Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Graveside Oration

Our late friend hated blue skies,
Bible-quoting preachers,
Politicians kissing babies,
Women who are all sweetness.

He liked drunks in church,
Nudists playing volleyball,
Stray dogs making friends,
Birds singing of fair weather as they crap.

--Charles Simic (as seen in The Paris Review, Spring 2010)

Friday, August 20, 2010

I haven't posted a poem in a while...


Walking side-by-side,
the travelers shine,
moonlit and new at the start
of their journey
through the barren expanse.

Like two pearls
glinting in the light,
The bright of their craniums
contrasting the slate-
gray and black patches
that paint the desert floor
blotchy during the small hours.

Only the sands and cacti
feel the throbbing
in their chests, the beating
that hovers above their hearts
like a flock of buzzards hunting.

Never will the beasts land.
